
Are you a 5th or 6th grader who loves to play sports? Do you want to be more confident, faster, stronger, more agile, and more competitive? If so, then you should sign up for our foundational class!

Our “Fun”dational camps are designed to help kids develop the confidence, strength, and speed they need to succeed in sports and life. They use a variety of drills and exercises to help kids improve their running, jumping, and cutting and reactive timing. They also focus on teaching kids the proper technique for these movements.

Why 5th and 6th Graders Should Sign Up for Foundational Classes

The years between 5th and 6th grade are a critical time for physical development. During this time, children are growing and changing rapidly, and they need to be active in order to stay healthy and strong. Sports are a great way for kids to get exercise, but they can also be competitive and stressful. That’s why it’s important for kids to have a foundation of athleticism before they start playing sports.

A foundational class can help kids develop the skills they need to be successful in sports by teaching them how to be the best version of themselves. In these classes, kids will learn how to improve their speed, agility, and coordination. They will also learn the fundamentals of different sports, such as running, jumping, and catching.

In addition to the physical benefits, foundational classes can also help kids develop important life skills. These classes can teach kids how to work hard, set goals, and overcome challenges. They can also help kids learn how to be part of a team and how to deal with winning and losing.

If you’re looking for a way to help your child develop a foundation of athleticism, consider signing them up for a foundational class. These classes can help kids stay healthy, strong, and successful in sports.

Here are some of the benefits of signing up for a foundational class for 5th and 6th graders:

  • Improved physical fitness: These classes will help kids improve their speed, agility, coordination, and strength.
  • Increased confidence: As kids learn new skills and improve their athletic abilities, they will develop a greater sense of confidence.
  • Better sportsmanship: These classes will teach kids the importance of teamwork, fair play, and respect for others.
  • Reduced risk of injuries: By improving their athleticism, kids will be less likely to get injured when they participate in sports.
  • Increased enjoyment of sports: When kids have the skills and confidence to succeed in sports, they are more likely to enjoy them

The Benefits of Learning the Foundational Movements for 5th and 6th Graders

As children grow and develop, it is important for them to learn the foundational movements. These movements are the building blocks for all other physical activity, and they help children to develop strength, balance, coordination, and power.

The foundational movements are:

  • Hinge: This movement involves bending at the hips and knees to move an object from the ground to the overhead position. Examples of hinge movements include deadlifts, cleans, and rows.
  • Carry: This movement involves transporting an object from one location to another. Examples of carry movements include farmers walks, waiter’s walks, and suitcase carries.
  • Squat: This movement involves bending at the hips and knees to lower the body down until the thighs are parallel to the ground. Examples of squat movements include back squats, front squats, and goblet squats.
  • Pull: This movement involves using the arms and back to move an object towards the body. Examples of pull movements include pull-ups, chin-ups, and rows.
  • Push: This movement involves using the arms and chest to move an object away from the body. Examples of push movements include push-ups, bench press, and overhead press.

Learning the foundational movements is important for 5th and 6th graders for a number of reasons. First, it helps them to develop strength. Strength is important for all physical activity, and it helps children to be more successful in sports and other activities. Second, it helps them to develop balance. Balance is important for preventing injuries, and it helps children to be more coordinated. Third, it helps them to develop coordination. Coordination is important for all physical activity, and it helps children to be more agile. Fourth, it helps them to develop power. Power is important for all physical activity, and it helps children to be more explosive.

In addition to the physical benefits, learning the foundational movements can also help children to develop mental and emotional benefits. For example, learning the foundational movements can help children to develop:

  • Confidence: When children learn how to do a movement correctly, it gives them a sense of confidence. This can help them to be more successful in sports and other activities.
  • Resilience: When children learn how to overcome challenges, it helps them to develop resilience. This can help them to deal with setbacks and challenges in life.
  • Discipline: Learning the foundational movements requires discipline. This can help children to develop the discipline they need to be successful in school, sports, and other areas of life.

If you are a parent of a 5th or 6th grader, I encourage you to encourage them to learn the foundational movements. It is an investment that will pay off in the long run.

How to Make Learning the Foundational Movements Fun

There are a number of ways to make learning the foundational movements fun for 5th and 6th graders. One way is to make it a game. For example, you can play a game of tag where the children have to tag each other while doing a squat, push-up, or other movement. Another way to make learning the foundational movements fun is to make it a competition. For example, you can have a contest to see who can do the most push-ups in a row or who can squat the most weight.

It is also important to make sure that the children are using proper form when they are doing the foundational movements. If they are not using proper form, they are more likely to get injured. There are a number of resources available online and in libraries that can help you to teach your children the proper form for the foundational movements.

Learning the foundational movements can be a fun and rewarding experience for 5th and 6th graders. By making it fun and safe, you can help your children to develop the strength, balance, coordination, power, confidence, resilience, and discipline they need to be successful in sports and other activities.

If you are interested in this class, please follow this link and sign up today! If you are a parent and have any questions, we would love to have a conversation to hear more about your story! My number is 712-210-5859.

Brady Hill, CSCS, MSed, USAW.