The Feedback Loop and Building Champions

I found a quote by Ken Blanchard that stated, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” After running a family service-oriented business for nearly a decade, I find this to be a crucial piece of the puzzle for growth. However, receiving feedback can be challenging, especially regarding who to trust as a source.

Building Trust and Asking the Right Questions

A trusting, positive, and encouraging relationship is key for valuable feedback. Asking for feedback shows you value your clients’ opinions and fosters a sense of autonomy and camaraderie. When listening to feedback, explore and suggest ways to act on their ideas, but remember, you don’t have to accept every request.

The Athlete’s Voice: Motivation vs. Discipline

This concept applies to training athletes. While goals and training programs are crucial, understanding their psychology is equally important. Asking questions like “Why are you training?” and “What motivates you?” allows you to connect with them on a deeper level and provide better coaching.

Motivation: The Fuel in the Tank

This past week, we asked the athletes (aged 11-15) whether motivation or discipline was more important in completing tasks. Interestingly, 35 chose motivation, while 38 chose discipline.

Here’s a breakdown of each concept:

  • Motivation: Similar to gas in a tank, motivation drives us to act. It’s the willpower that initiates and directs behavior. It’s complex and comes from various sources like biological needs, emotions, and social influences. Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic and fluctuates daily. Studies show willpower is linked to blood sugar levels, suggesting our mental state can influence our motivation.
  • Discipline: Discipline is the self-control that allows us to take consistent steps towards our goals, even when we lack motivation. It involves following rules, both external (set by others) and internal (set by ourselves).
  • Discipline can be tough, especially when motivation wanes. As an entrepreneur, I’ve noticed that even when I don’t feel like getting up at 4:30 AM, a strong sense of purpose keeps me going. It’s more than just feeling motivated; it’s about connecting my daily actions to a bigger vision. Think of it like a compass. When motivation is low, purpose provides direction and keeps you moving forward. So, if you’re struggling with discipline, try defining your purpose. What is it that truly drives you? Having a clear purpose can be the guiding light that gets you out of bed, even on tough days.

The Key Takeaway: It’s Both

Motivation is the spark that ignites action, while discipline is the steady flame that keeps you going. They’re not rivals, but teammates. Motivation provides the initial push, and discipline ensures you reach the finish line. So, the next time you tackle a goal, remember to cultivate both for long-term success!