Increase Overall Fitness
Greater Mobility
Improve Technique
Personal Fitness
Your personal fitness begins by making yourself a priority. Our adult fitness programs are designed to increase your overall fitness and improve your ability to achieve your specific goals. Beginning with an initial consultation, we’ll design a personalized training plan that address your physical and overall health needs.
We offer flexible scheduling to make it easy for you to come in and work out—making sure you get the results you’re looking for.
Plus, during your training sessions we’ll provide you with expert coaching to ensure you use safe and correct exercise technique . We will focus on improving your strength, mobility, and flexibility so you can reach your fitness goals.
Discover Performance Excellence
Schedule a
Strategy Session
We’ll gather your health and training history, perform a body composition analysis, conduct a movement screen and listen to your goals.
Receive an
Individualized Program
Based on the information we gather during the consultation we’ll provide you with an individualized training plan to maximize your results.
Optimize Fitness
and Meet Goals
We will help you execute your training plan, and keep you on track so you can achieve your goals.
Aaron Kness
Impact Advantage
When you’re ready to make your workout a regular routine, you’re ready for Impact Advantage. With the option to train up to 6 times per week and 13 different class times to work with your busy schedule, Impact Advantage gives you both flexibility and fitness to take you to the next level. And even if the classes don’t fit in your day, come in during non-class time and you can complete your training session independently.
Training Times:
- Monday: 5:15-10am, 4-7pm
- Tuesday: 6-11am, 4-7pm
- Wednesday: 5:15-10am, 4-7pm
- Thursday: 6-11am, 4-7pm
- Friday: 5:15-11am, 4-5:30pm
- Saturday: 7-10am
Begin with a free No-Sweat Intro, establish clear goals and create a personalized training plan that fits your individual needs.
Nicole Hook